I find it frustrating that I can't go kill someone and get their things in a PvP world, and that it's "randomly generated" drops replace their items.
The Caboose. Caboose is a ghost in halo machinima, he's in every one, maybe spread out across time or a few different characters, but he's there.
camera placement This isn't specific to machinima, general cinematopgraphy applies. One would try as a DP to make a viewer feel as if he was a...
Classic, wasn't that entertaining..when I should have been typing notes.
The repetitive gameplay is apparent, but it doesn't really bother me, actually, repetitive gameplay is fun to me, and when you think about it,...
Don't get a sony, they break the day after the warranty; I'd bet money on it. At least their consistent in that respect...get a Toshiba.
Eh, I have a genetic dislike for Java. and Wow is for people who have the time and $ to dedicate...to a video game, which isn't me. And...
The grand exchange is like a big, universal ebay for every item in runescape, selling player-to-player. They did take away the wild in some...
According to a library book, the best time to to it is at a cortisol/melatonin high, at 4-5am, because if you got to bed a similar time each...
My brother got me started, my wife leaves the room if I talk about it, so I'll talk about ti with you guys, lol. My name on it is Prosper1776, in...
I tried that article Orange posted. I always become aware of my breathing, and it always keeps my chest from being numb and paralyzed like the...
Someone had sex.
Nice; but I actually did think it was interesting.
I'm not sure I exactly understand what "sexual prime" means if this is the case.
And this obviously means women also, because who else are they marrying? [California excluded]
Ages 19 - 31
Most people get married in their sexual prime, so that doesn't make sense.
I've been having this dream, repeating since I was nine. I'm at the top of a concrete stadium, made of nothing but concrete. I can see the clouds...
Quoting myself, citing my source.
Uhm, Benzu there's no reason to turn this into an argument. I saw it on a discovery show, it was the Psychology or Science of Attraction, I...