dood you and the other retired staff are the best there can be rock totally on
dood you are respected thats ****in awsome rock on
hey your a new event staff yo cool good luck
im not respected look again
i didnt post a map called noone i dont have pics damb how did you become a moderater
hello i am bringing you two amazing maps by my friends and they would really apriecheate if you down loaded these maps so i give you peru 1-->...
hey dood i love your golf map it rocks
an awsome map made by my friend bont bann me the map is about adoor you can open and close srryb for no pics ------------------------------>...
*I like to spam lots n lots n lots. One day I hope to be Godzilla inside the center of the earth, while riding a whale to the moon. The end.*
how do you become a loyal wakko
i know that its not up to the standards but i think you people will like these maps i am so srry but my friends want thier maps to be down loaded...
dood your map rocks i downloaded it and its amazin
this is a map that my friend made MICHAEL077154 i would hope you download this map please im not trying to do this on pupose so dont bann me...
hey i remember when you were like a diffrent rank but now you rock what happend to the pic of the cat with the beanie that says yo
nice stats Spartan_R14
yo yo yo
yo [IMG]
just let me say that all of the colered bar people like soggydoughnuts and truedarkfusion are map masters and they are cool <__>
Just Try The Map And You Will Love It Yo