First, "Is Microsoft Cheap" Second, Bill Gates doesn't have much to do with the production of the Xbox. Third, yes, they could do more to...
Well, I tried this in Photoshop. As a result, the tut wasn't followed exactly. Photoshop doesn't have the soft glow or the selective gaussian...
I'm stuck at 42 in Lone Wolf. It's annoying because I want to get 45 before I get 80 or so exp so I don't get a bar under my rank. Gah! So...
Media Convert ??
I had just chosen the music because of their length and they just went really well. Not to say there wasn't thought behind it. Anyway, thanks...
I didn't notice the Banshee when I was playing. I was a bit busy trying to staying alive. But yeah, I could have gotten in the Banshee in the...
This is a video I just finished making. Basically, I'd gotten a capture card last Christmas and wanted to do something with it. I've done...
Yeah, stuff like this sucks. I suggest reading this for an explination on the ranking system.
C++ is the prominent language used in game programming. You can find tutorials online and there are also books you can get to help you learn.
"The Battle for Earth has Begun" "We Must Fight for Salvation" Across the top is what looks like binary. I'm trying to get it so I can read it...
I can help ya. I'm at 28 right now. I try not to play TS unless I'm playing with a group. I'll add ya. I won't be playing for the next couple...
What is that thing in Puppy Love?
The first one is interesting. The second, I don't see what it is. The third, it's just you. I don't think any of them are true easter eggs though.
Not sure if it's an easter egg but it does look like a jackal.
That guy is a moron. Asshole. (the guy in the vid)
So would I. It just looks a bit off.
I have a friend who works at Best Buy. One of the Xboxs in the store got the RRoD and they tried this. According to him, they never had an other...
Yeah. You can send me some if Penguinish doesn't want to do them all. I have FileFront so I'll get ya the clips that way.
What shoulders are those?
It does, although I don't know if it was photoshop'd or not.