woah. that looks impressive. so to scored you have to get your vip (ball) onto the goal point? and there are 12 of those? a little confusing even...
how the hell have you not got premium yet? your maps are hella legit. even if you have a group of forgers, they still turn out really fun to play....
like real doors, RB switches and motion switches. god that would make life SO much easyer. too bag bungie is way to...
this would be so epic. 10000% yes. if bungie doesnt take this into consideration imma cry
For any of you who like to listen to music a lot like i do............... i have your solution. What i do when i need a knew idea is listen to...
wow. i love how ghost merging has really allowed everyone to use sandbox to its full potential. this map looks amazing! seriously i love how you...
i will give everyone hell who does this: makes a map in the middle floor of sandbox that is supose to be inclosed but has a brute shots on it. DO...
alright sweet deal man. but i have found various breakages you CAN bruteshot off the trees on top of the walls. haha :P just take them out...
alright so. first pic, top middle. the wall is slightly shorter then every other one. also there is a wall with a pathway by it (to brute shot...
ive got a way anyone can break this map: its called a brute shot. many people never take this into consideration when they add brute shots into...
not gona lie: this LOOKS hella fun. you made everything so short but hey its fun sized now :D you could do this with literally a bunch of maps....
oh i could make it fun, Darksoullll makes everything fun. haha make 2-5 layers of this with staris/teles conecting the levels then put a hole...
not gona lie, longshore looks the coolest out of all of these maps, i personally havent gotten to play them yet but just from what ive heard about...
this map looks good, gameplay wise. the aesthetics could defenatly use a touch up, i mean all the map is, is a road with blocks on the side for...
agreed. once again. goodgame haha
did you play the map? haha just kidding man :) honestly from the pics this map looks very epic. you stated that it was supose to be a mamoth...
okay. gg. my point stands true
i dont care if i win. i just want to point out that my post and your post were pretty much the same, EXCEPT mine was out of dislikeness and yours...
thanks for the story man but i know how to back up my **** too "All I have to say to you is that I recommend you don't post in this thread until...
haha funny thing is i wasn't trying to be mean, i wasn't trying to base this off of the past experience :D i just made sure to point out what you...