Please go to your sig shop
What hiding spots
Xactly Freakin' Xactly.Awesome seem familiar...oh wait you gave me an infraction
Wow thanks sorry if I was a nuisance
I want A sig but the last post is from a week ago.Will I get Infracted for Necro-post?
Should've Gotten the warrenty, Tsk,Tsk, Tsk. Anyway the map Is okay just some added weapons and some scenery differences....3/5.
Looks fun for territories/conquest.The Interlocking is neat.(But,theres maybe a bump or two here & there)4/5, keep forging!
A trapped mouse in the hidey hole that is Coagulation. Hmm..... I've never seen Banshees and/or hornets in the level Construct....
Please fix the plain signature It's Magekid211 Not 221.....
Wow this looks very cool,the bank turn is pretty smooth.And the ramp is pretty epic.5/5.
if i had 12 cookies but then you took 4 away and thn tex gave me 40 fresh from the oven but then yaviman took 21 more from me and then asper...
The structures are smooth,almost no bumps.I won't say anything about if you can escape the map or not.It's only just another honour rule.Anyway...
Very original.I've never seen a Valhalla map with the caves actually blocked off.Valhalla maps can be rare, so I give this map 5/5.
How did you make the drop start?5/5
Pretty cool for a casual game of ffa 2v2, I would have to say. 4/5
Can you put in more of a description?
Is this map based on Team Fortress 2 from Orange Box?I wouldn't know 'cause I haven't played it yet.Just seemed familiar.Anyway nice map!Definatly...
Now wait what if there was someone else in the party named "The Guardians" that he splattered and then ran into one of the Guardian turrets.But if...
Im 11 and, Acually I play Halo,Halo 2, and Halo 3.I'm not violent or anything and I still extremely good in school.(I'm in the gifted program and...