are we? woah sorry, didnt realise... ok cheers.
Intervention 343 voted for the bad-assery of the shot
but, you didn't make it? so obviously he has found a forging gap, and many minigames are simple (although this is reeeeaaaaaaallllllllllly...
i disagree with the removing of this section. I have learned many new things from many different people, about many different subjects! I've...
[IMG] ^black thereom's entry, yours didnt work for some reason
+6 GMT i think then? sounds right... hmm... you start at 6 midnight for me, i dont think i'll be able to make it sadly... *looks sad*
to be honest, its not condoning war, it is trying to make it fairer to those not in combat, such as civilians or countries that have done nothing...
that intro was awesome, tell you what, once you've checked out forge101, if you start building a map and need pointers, feel free to message me on...
needz moar interlockz 5/5 dont spam, it makes you a tool, and a general ass. My advise, map a damn map... then when you have friends, suggest the...
yeah i ment more about how the other guy said more people care about trees than stopping abortions, i was saying that doesnt mean its less of an...
this enough people for you? and just because less people fight against something doesn't make it worth less (not worthless). Just means more...
so basically, poor people dont have a right to have safe sex? its not fair that if you have money, you dont need to worry about getting pregnant,...
wait, so it will be just the weekend from now on, but this week its both, as a transaction period?
condoms are relatively cheep, as they stop the need for abortions (most of the time) and that would cost more, so its easier to make them cheep....
see this sounds good, but then really they become big jackals... at the end of the day if they took another races weapons/defences then they'd all...
personally, i'm pro abortion, think of it this: a poor family, fairly malnourished due to poverty. Making them have there child is unfair, on the...
personally, the first thing i thought was "the chief had bought his ghost dinner...." i do like sl!de, this is one of the very few l33t things i...
if they work like jackal shields then no, also, it'd be a riot shield affect going on...
well, parkour may be a good gametype to work with, as its free running and all i'd have to do is release a version which allowed shooting (not...
yeah, i didnt say anyone was, but because its not physically possible, but it is if there were a super computer/smarter beings, then it'd still...