ok is my date all wrong on this thing or something? i helped you with this map back in 2009... i'm not sure whats happened since then but i helped...
just to add to this also, due to forge, technically you could have an infinite amount of maps with just sandbox well alot OT: i am not...
he doesn't want maps testing, he wants a casual ahem, map-making companion(s).
if he is only testing, and you guys made the map, you will get to weapons first. Thats no ones fault, but you need so split up when testing so...
i'm up for it easter holidays, if i'm not on halo i'm at part time work, so yeah, english, and very little to do, so i'm in, invite me whenever...
damn it... you got me... god damn it...
i'm confused. (i have been watching the thread, but i havent seen this asked) why do you need to die before you play?
hmm... i also prefere slayer type games, i think we should leave social out though, but doubles/slayer/swat/sniper i can play, and i'm in the 20's...
that is a win. download link? as that is genius, looks like the brute sort of kicks the grunt. Brute: "hey watch this" Grunt: "what are you gonna...
i think the global destination would be better, everyone drops down, that way my fusion coil thing would work. Problem solved! go team....
umm... i cant promise anything, but if you put pics of the scene you'd like up, i may be able to try (i'm also teaching someone to forge, so...
i have an idea, for a random end. Ok, so say you want the thing (pallet breaking) at either 30, 45, or 90 seconds. 3 fusion coils start (out of...
hey, can you lock that assistant thread? its all sorted now. cheers for your help with it also, and good luck with the forge 201 thread. I'm sure...
just like dragon's den... ok well all seems sorted now, request lock.
i completely agree with you, right now we're sending ideas to each other (he has no mic for a while...) idea is i've said an idea, he says one...
well, i'm pretty sure i can teach him all that (or her). But i will be checking out the forge 201... i know i'm not a feature-forger but i...
hmm... i dont need an assistant as such, i can show you the ropes if you'd like? help you create something? i have ideas all the time, i'd be cool...
personally, i think you could put the CP near a defending point, then if humans are idiots and dont use teamwork to defend as well as gain ammo,...
sucks if you have to buy them dinner over and over. but its not. It is physically, but when you're too old to get yo' grove on. you'll be...
i'll give you a clue for more downloads, add a download link to the bottom! and it looks ok, i've never had that rippled affect with pixels. I'm...