This is a really cool concept and its original. The only thing I've seen like this is rock wall wich is assault. Anway this map could be neater...
Theme/Image-- Huge blasts of flames and explosions Colors-- fire explosions of death with some like sort of blurry darkness around the sides...
Really cool I like how it's shaped like a monster. But there are also so amteur mistakes here like putting tons of power weapons on and every pice...
Good map. I like how there is a dead line and it makes the game more urgebt and fast paced. Also it looks like the zombies still have a fair...
Some of the best interlocking I've sen for a first post also the layout compliments gameplay in a way that makes this map worthy of my download....
This lloks really good but I like the last featured MLG map better. This is good and hectick/ getting shot at from all side like all MLG map...
Alot of things were crooked or did you mean to have it like that? anyway the interlocking is 3/5 and the layout is 3.5/5 so I give this a 6/10
I don't see anything that was changed sorry. I still think this map could use alot of work to unlock its true potential.
Pretty cool but I've seen better. The forging was a little sloppy in some places and There seems to be alot of empty space.Sorry but this map does...
this looks like a good and difficult racing map. More pics plz. Were you trying to sort of get the feel for the midway games' Artic Thunder?
It looks cool and symmetrically pleasingly dexterily good. But it looks really open like you could've aded more on the ground level. 3.5/5
toy a ***
That is epic winly awesomeness right there.
Jus stoppin bai 2 say hai. Oh n great job on botanica
I love how neat the interlocking is especially in the side catwalk hall thingy. 5/5
Walruses FTW!
I'm gonna try to get more done on that map today. I'll do some matchmaking if you want.
Hi Paulo just stopping by to say hi.
Ask some one that owns a sig studio and tell them what you want your sig to look like.
I like the use of movable objects to make the map feel more realistic and it looks like gameplay would be a blast. Some parts could be interlocked...