Glimpse By IVIercinator with help from ZOMG Supports CTF Team Slayer Team Oddball and Territories Glimpse is a symmetrical map with tons of...
Let me start off by saying that the picture of the midlle with all the weapons automatically told me that this was not a true forging effort. Do...
Great map and the forging looks neat. But in the pics you really did'nt describe what e wee looking at and the pics did'nt reveal a whole lot of...
I played wiht you in the TGIF
I really like how real it looks by using everyday objects ( movable objects). The interlocking on the outside is great but those bridges on the...
Great job. The interlocking is very neat and I like how you interlocked an upside down double boox and a right side up middle box to get that...
Love the ice cream one it's classic. The last one I still don't get though.
Yes it's positive
Sam love the new vids. Especially the ones with me in them. I tell all of you, one you know how to play this game/map the gameplay is unbelievably...
Hiya hasty
Kub plz don't cross advertise. Anyway the map looks ok in my opinion. The interlocking is neat but this is'nt exactly a new cuncept and it looks...
This map is really open. If you're not at a structure you're automatically dead. A good map flows and shifts around not just everyone camping at a...
This is pretty cool but it looks kind of easy to finish. The interlocking is good and all but it seems too short for me ssorry but this map just...
Looks really cool. It's neatly made and there doesn't seem to be anyway to get out. 3.5/5 neat forging but I can't say the lay out is for me.
I always wondered how you could incorporate battleship into halo 3 and this is pretty neat it's actually pretty cool and looks like alot of fun....
The pics tilted like that make the map look even more fun to play on. Now the maze looks kind of simple, but that's mostly a good thing so that...
I had heard of this map before but never really thought much of it. Anyway gratz on the feature interlocking is fantastic and the tower thing is...
I can't say I enjoy this map. It just looks pretty pointless to me. Not to be mean but your entire description was about anti escaping. Sorry but...
It's ok but there are a couple things that are dying to be interlocked like thse single boxes used as ramps.
This map is epic win. Beautiful interlocking and the features are gorgeous while still adding to gameplay.