Great interlocking especially for a first post but there are several flaws thatr stand out in this map. Several things are crooked like the walls...
Stopping bai 2 say hai
Ok I'm on sexies side of the arguement whatever the F**** you guys are arguing about just because he's sexy. Anyway there's one thing that treally...
The interlocking here looks superb. I love the aword spawn that looks really amazing. The aesthetics really jump out at you but they still have a...
Yay you posted it! Anyway I'm going to give this map a well thought out review, wich is rare for me, so here goes. The first thing I'd like to...
REally cool interlocking goingopn here. The structures are somewhat unique but still add to gmAEPLAY IN A POSTITVE WAY. tHERE ARE SOME DOUBLE BOXS...
Wow the is pretty much the most win map I've seen on construct. The oeiginal map itself gives players very little chance to let their creativity...
The pictures are kind of messy and more of them will give you more DLs. But the map itself looks like you spent some time on the interlocking and...
uh I'm sorry but I don't really think we need another copz and robbers mapzorz. First the outside looks kind of messy with all the teleportsers...
Vice was this the one we played in TGIF in ur party? if so I like it moar than th3 o4rigin4l. Anyway I think the way you position the walls made...
Looks really cool. The interlocking is great and there's alot of it. I also like the shape of the map. you didn't do just a square you actually...
Cool that's really realistic.
That's really cool hgow it comes through him.
Cool but I seen lots of pic like it.
Wow that first picture with the bridge and man cannon really are awesome. The shape of the map is really cool considering it's not a square or a...
Just stoping bai 2 say hai
Wow really good interlocking on this one. I like the lava pit thing. It looks like everything is interlocked really well. I can't really find any...
Wow one of the best elevators I have ever seen. I love how clean it is in the fact that they dont have to use anything but just have pick up hte...
Sniper is on top of the fence roof thingy gethtere by jumping on the barricade then onto the wall. The camo spawns set at 60 sec I just put alot...
I liked it at first but I started looking at more pics and it became more and more obvious to me how open it was. The structures are really cool...