wow a new version of foundry. Who tot default foundry could be fun?! I know I did'nt. Very original.
wow looks extremely original. This is so qued! Simple but extremly fun. Reminds me of hobo heights. I've loved all ur maps so far, keep up the...
Wow you used pretty much all of Foundry and congratz on doing so. There are alot of things that cud be interlocked to make the map so much neater...
Looks cool but you definitley could use more pics. I will make more comments once I play this but just from looking I would give you a 3/5...
ohai i c ur online
Looks wayyyy too plain and really underforged. It's just a couple walls a box and a bridge. I could see how random things like this could be fun...
I'm sorry but this look way too amatuer to recieve more than ten downloads. First off, it's mainly sandtrap with tons of objects placed in order...
hey sean, is it sean or shaun? or somthin else anyway gratz on gettin live.
hey david I heard you n brandon were in a fight/arguement. Just checking in to make sure everything's ok.
Looks really ossum. First off the interlocking looks really nice and smooth. Second, the map design looks really interesting amd fun/unique....
From the few pics you have provided the intarl0ckinz look epic. The floors seem extremely smooth and the structure you made with the double box...
Sam why do you keep telling me this map sucks. It's one of the most popular maps right now and one of the few infection maps that are fun for both...
ohai brandon k thxbai 4 tha repz
Looks pretty fun but I think it could've been made better. The gameplay is just fine but the map has alot places that would look so much nicer...
i thot the quote was funny
Looks really fun. Just wondering, do you think it would be more fun with invulnerability because it would be more tactical than just point and...
Wow u can infract ppl, now I need to suck up to you even more, U rock at forging! but seriously, u do.
o hairthar you gun infract me for teh betraying of u with teh flaem throwarz
Wow that missile launcher really looked awesome. Love the idea. Try using the unlimited item glitch in the forging 101 section if you run out of...