L A O Look at it upside down and connect the spaces between the letters.
[IMG]thats my sis lol
Looks worthy of a feature to me, well done!
when does high school tennis start? p.s. Josh is obsessed with T-5:00
I think you should forge a birthday cake for yourself...
I like the idea, but it's just way too small, and its been done so many times. First off, the fusion coils make it extremely nooby, and spawning...
It's a good idea but try making more than just 3 structures. And it appears as if once one team has the middle platform all they have to do is...
lol racist bish. lol i just find that hilarious
Wow. This pretty much is a team version of jenga. A really innovative idea and I think this map is going to be very popular. One question though,...
Read this before going off and posting without knowing how to. Your pictures aren't working and you have 24 fours before this thread is locked.
This is exactly the kind of map we hubbers hate. Every power weapon on the map piled into one small room with random and /or no spawns. The spawn...
Let me just say it was a blast testing with you Adelyss, and this map incorporates many different elements into one game. The aesthetics are...
The aesthetics play a huge role in this map's total epicness. All the geomerging/ interlocking looks extremely neat and I hope to see this map...
Like my peers said before me... epicepicepic. It really looks awesome and is also quedquedqued.
Welcome to FH
I really like how you incorporated a territory sysem into a zombie game. The only problem I really have for this map is that you say that this map...
Wow this looks like an instant DL for me. It reminds me of Half-Cab and I will definitely have to check this one out.
I'm glad you finally posted it. Let me just say that it was a blast to forge and test the map with you guys. I really hope we make mor collab maps...
What ever floats your boat.
I wuv yoo twooo