This is so amazingly unoriginal. If you're going to remake a map, please at least make it better. (Like 4 floors ver 2)
The grav lift switch should be really helpfull for shortcuts that only humans, not zombies, can use. Thanks.
I've been forging for a bit, and I think it's time I work my way into the higher level forging. I know how to teleporter write moderatly in boxes,...
Hmmm... Maybe use grav lifts to push pallets with the crate sitting on the pallets? IDK, I'm not too good at stuff like that :P
Actually, I have that exact color (with red on back) on my predator map.
Yeah, sure. I'm on Live right now. Send me a FR
I've heard there is a two man glitch to duplicate items past the limit. Is this just a myth, or can I really make 50 double boxes?
Gamertag: FR0ZEN FEARS (0 is a zero) Microphone: Yes Times: 8am-10pm Pacific Standard (No, I'm not on that entire time.) Description: Decent...
Geez, makes my maps look pretty bad :P 5/5
I have a map with the items outside. Instead of searching infinite, use the infinite sign. The name is (infinite sign)money