If the person has admitted to knowledge, then possibly yes. Torture without proof; however, is inhumane.
The best man can do is offer extensive evidence that evolution does not exist and has not existed. Then we must offer extensive evidence that...
OMG! Total epicness! Totally amazing geomerging. So much perfect interlocking, and simply so many things I didn't even know could be done. Most...
I love the high-rises. It's great when you get that closed in feel to make it feel an attack could come out of nowhere (instead of the general...
Wow, that's amazing for a 1st try at an mlg map. You must have made some great slayer maps or something, because this map is great! I can see what...
Hmm, I can't really judge the map well without an overall layout, but what I see you're a pretty good forger. Some boxes need interlocking,...
The geomerging is extremely clean, the overall layout makes the map looks bigger than it is (that's a plus for foundry), and I like your claw ; )...
Wow, I love it when people make maps on Legendary maps while still keeping the foundry quality. The sight effects are, like said before, used a...
Great map. Looks scary, has cool features, and has great gameplay. I couldn't call this epic, but this map is definitely up there with my favorite...
I've been wanting to see a Left 4 Dead map for a while. Although this map did a great job in capturing the creepy feeling and asthetics, some...
I would love to see this map with interlocking and asthetics. The gameplay looks extremely fun and shows major potential to be improved on. It's...
The map looks really well made, and the gameplay looks fun. I love how the location of the rooms adds the mysterious lighting and effects. The...
Videogames in no way cause stupidity. You mainly covered the main points, but the social issues can go either way. Ive seen no lifers who honestly...
Master Cheif can never be given a face. His facelessness (lol, is that a word?) is what adds to his being mysterious. Not to mention, Bungie was...
Honestly, I'd have to go with Bob. He has more experience and works well alone. Although being a good social worker is a nice skill, people can...
Bungie has stated they will NEVER, EVER, NEVER, EVER make a Halo 4. Get over it. As for the rumors of a Halo Prequel, I highly doubt it. This...
The map is a little too close, but I don't see any way it could get better. Good job.
Lots of pics and very original. I love it.
That is pure awesomeness :D
Lmao, reminds me of the Arby N Cheif wedding episode. 5/5