lol, my parents never told me Santa was real, so when I heard that other kids thought is was... I ended up making about 10 cry in kindergarten and...
Slow drivers leave it up to the person to put themselves at risk. When someone is driving fast, he is involuntarily putting everyone in harm's way.
Actually, "separation between church and state" was written because our founding fathers did not want America to be run by a pope. It had nothing...
Cons: Some things that could have been interlocked weren't. The map looks pretty easy to get out of. (I should go test it in forge) I noticed a...
Wow, from the first picture I was expecting a pretty crappy map. Then I took a look at the overview, and I love it! I'm not too sure about the B...
I'm pretty sure that this has been said before, but just in case, and since I'm in a hurry, I'll say it anyway. To introduce yourself, go to the...
Yes! Finally! All the fun of toilet without the epic spawnkilling! This looks like a lot of fun. It's qued up and I can't wait to play on it. :P
As an avid custom gamer (2100 something games played), I love fun, original, good looking games. This map and game fits everything. The teams look...
Erm... it would be really nice to see an overview picture of the map. I can't tell how it really pieces together, especially since you posted a...
Music is a representation of the soul. And as a representation, it easily affects your attitude. But really, there have been studies and stuff on...
Gradex i luv you!!!!!!!!
BR. It involves skill and not simply spraying and praying. PS: Its double. I <3 you gradex!!! :P
Nitrous, God first started showing His power to keep His people, the Israelites, alive. He again started showing his power once His Son came to...
From the outside, I thought this would be some simple, thrown together map. Oh man, was I wrong! Everything about Boxworld is great. Good cover, a...
Wow, looks great and is amazingly original. I didn't think much of it first, but now that I took a second look, I'll be sure to download it. Looks...
My first gamertag on live was FR0ZEN FEARS, which explains this account name. I used that name for almost every online game at the time. After a...
This map is amazingly well made and has very nice aesthetics. The gameplay looks fun and the ideas are very original. However, unless you're not...
Although I can't see the map at all due to the horrible screen shots (read the 1st post), it looks like a lot of the map is really crooked. And by...
Interlocking: 1/5 Playability: 2/5 Noob proof: 0/5 (a ton of openings) To be honest, the layout of this map isn't very great, and interlocking is...
*forgegasm* Holy crap... a giant spider on Blackout... with good gameplay!?!? This is truly an epic map. 6/5 and a download for you!