Requirement(s): Must have at least 2 legit reasons to vote for said person The reason can NOT be "because you like it" or "it looks cool", etc....
I know the Fallout 3 DLC has been out for a while, but I felt that it needed it's own little discussion thread too. Here you can give opinions...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Melikey this one. What do youthinks? Also: (new) [IMG]
I took the CnC from my "Covert" signature (you can check that out in my current signature) and used it to my best efforts. I toned down on the...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] My latest tag. I wanna know what you guys think of it. Gimme sum cnc. :]
[IMG] [IMG] I really like how this one turned out. :D Comments and critique, pwease? STOCK: [spoiler]
[IMG] [IMG] Yeah, the second one was an experiment, and I think it turned kinda meh... But yeah, comments and critique anyone? :] [spoiler]...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Alby started, I finished. What do you guys think?
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] --------------------------------------------------------- [IMG] [IMG] C4D? [IMG] 2 C4Ds? CnC welcome. Just smudging, lots...
Yeah, I made a new tag. I haven't made one in like a week or two so. Here goes. v1 [IMG] Sharper [IMG] v2 [IMG] v3 [IMG]...
Lulwut? Ino. For SOTW, if you didn't already figure that out. [IMG] [IMG]
The purpose of this thread is to post helpful, fun, or just flat-out cool gadgets for the Windows Vista sidebar. I currently have no downloaded...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] I actually used a render, for once, on the FMA one. Tell me what you think of both.
It's getting on my nerves. I have one thing to say. POPOUT SIGS ARE UGLY They do not automatically make a sig look good. /thread
...aka brand new work. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] For Shatakai. _____________________________________________________ [IMG] [IMG] My most recent. Eh?
So, I need a stock, and here's how it's going to go. You give me a stock. I make you a sig with it. I'm only doing this because I'm bored...
I don't have ImageReady, so someone that has it, could you crop this? Needs to be 100x100 or smaller, I want it to be a square, crop it to the...
[IMG] [IMG] Made for Kn1ghtBoy ___________________________________________ v1 [IMG] v2 [IMG] So, gimme some feedback.
So, there's this 3D object-making program called Blender, and with some help from a friend who knew how to use it, I created this. [IMG] Which I...
I call it Imperfect Snowman. [IMG] It's all pentool. (details on the snowman an exception) So, what do you think of it? Anything to change?