what movie is it? i agree the wholething is kinda boring, of course lol, but i think text is a little to big. also, i like Lock down in the corner...
I like the blue smeared across the back like water (atleast it looks like water to me), and obviously, you like the ocean in general, partly from...
now, i like V4.1, i like the white behind the text, it makes it... stand out
ok, i noticed the C4d isnt flowing the right way, but as for the wind effect, it wasnt like that when i was in GIMP. It turned out weird when i...
i think its pretty cool. but of course, i agree with those two, add a border. And i kinda like the font, but its to light, it would be better if...
I vote for DizFunky, i love the whole galaxy in a ball thing. The text could have been a bit more creative, but it looks the best
First sig with a C4d - UPDATED with new Versions ok, this is the first sig with a C4d i have made. Im not to satisfied with it, but i think its...
i dont see what the point in posting it is. and also, why his he allways getting banned?! every other time i see his name, hes banned?!?!
Thanks! Hopefully ill be as good as you =P or maybe atleast get the trial for ps
o ok, thanks, ill try making some other sigs and maybe try to find a C4d
i have the same problem as Raccoon sniper. hopefully i can find something helpful... =/
its ok, im not taking it offensively lol Thing is, i use GIMP, and i dont know what C4d's are, or how you make the lines like the green ones in...
i have to agree with Hells RequiemAMX Also, great sigs, i like the second one a lot! The first one just doesnt lok that good to me, but it might...
i made the background, so if you think i didnt, leave me alone... i did ALL of this, but make the render, by myself. If you want to know how i...
forgyforge - Thanks! when i first put them on, i looked at the second one, and i thought,"Hmm... that looks a bit fuzzy and doesnt look as good...
Ok, i just made these three COD4 sigs in GIMP and i wanted to know how they looked to you. I think they look pretty good, and which ever one you...
its really cool, i like the way it reflects, and the design on the text too
ya, i couldnt think of a good color for a border, but it could be better if it were different color. but i do like second better myself too
ill like the second one, but the first one i like the colors better, but the way the second one has more color everywhere, i think its better overall.
i guess i see how the text doesnt go to well now also, Hari, ill try to make a different background, but im not sure how good i can make it look...