well, i like the second one, because of the effect, but i like the first one more. Its simple and looks good. And i love the way its dark in some...
it looks ood and all, but its a lot like the jump map pack.
I say, snowbound one looks the best. Its all like there was a fre, and its dark all the time, it would be awesome to play in game...
its not to much, ill do it later, i have to go
Teerav, heres a better rank picture, i meant the other one is good but this one looks better [IMG]
PORTAL ALL THE WAY! sorry for caps, but i love that song! its cool, weird, and freaking awesome all at the same time. and i also forget to mention...
i would, but im such a bad sig maker. Ill try, but ill probably Epically Fail lol EDIT - i hope me being warned doesnt effect how much people...
usually it doesnt take long, maybe 5 to ten minutes, so i should be done today. ill look at request now =]
awesome, my favorite one is the one with the wrestlers, "spam.. spam... spam... BANNED!" and the one that has the kid and it says "Forge Hub is...
ok ill get on it now
hey everyone, ill joining this Shop and making custom ranks for all of yous that want ones =]
They are awesome, i like the one without text better. And also, why do you have a link or C&C... they arent even websites...
ya i think this should be stickied, you should message a mod or someone of that nature
lol, no im saying I use GIMP, and if anyone else does, bold is better =]
lol i just did
aahhh, i hate that... i hate when some of them have white background, makes it so much harder to make the gif, animation, or just a sig n...
lol, its still better then what most people can do =P
Thanks! the only thing about yours i dont like is mostly text the blocks are fine that way, but they csn look better =]
eh, its ok. The Red boxes are to spaced, and the text is to far down. otherwise, the picture is ok, but did you lower opacity and then darken?...
Hey, if your using GIMP, use Verdana Bold, it looks a lot better