lol, well its HOT xD
ya i like, but it could be whit and blue on the other side, like assassins creed blue. and also, maybe try to find a C4d, ut might look good with...
i think it pretty cool, but i think you should either make the cracks a little less or make the cracks or base a little brighter, a little more...
where did you get it then? are they people you know? or did you just find it?
i like this one your posting better
well, im tried, so i guess im done here. Oh, and lol to what terrax said, it was funny. and i accept apology and i understand what you said. and...
needs better text. kinda out of place. ad also, there arent white lines (at least not that i can see) but there is a white reflection or w/e from...
o ya... you phailed... jk This is really good in my opinion! i love it. the only part i think i dont like is the red part of it.
EDIT - i dont like that sig, and i dont feel like making a SOTW this week.
i like the second one better
warfang, i did NOT in any way take your "idea". I actually MADE that sig that you had the "idea" for and i tok why so serious out of it and put...
they look pretty good, but i think there a little to big.
thats pretty cool. i like the background, and also the text could be a bit darker, and maybe a bigger font. and also, nice avatar! xD
... =P by the way thats not sticking my tongue out, thats drool.... did you make this or did you just find it? if you made, i just have to say...
i would add effects, but if i were to add effects around him, it would probably look bad. so i cant really do any better then that. and i actually...
this is awesome! i might just use this, but first i have to DL CamStudio(i dont want to have to pay to record off something, im cheap) EDIT - Are...
i can make one. i have the perfect font and everything. and i think you'll like the picture im using! EDIT - Here is what i got [IMG] I hope...
great tut! i would advise trying to make a shorter one. but anyways i would use but i dont have PS. stinks
hmm.. im not sure, you should ask someone else, i dont quite know what your asking. Are you asking how to add fonts to GIMP?
no you cant when warned, i just learned tht because im warned too =/