ok, like that? is that better?
lol sure i made all usernames bold EDIT - I also underlined, now you can see the names
Terrax - Thanks! SD - Ok, ill add link, and ill also post what i used there. and i might upload them to Blip too, and also, i cant post, i have...
do you mind posting in my Video Tutorials thread? no one has, and i dont know why, they are pretty helpful though, i think, atleast check them out...
i love the last one, probably one of the best, the second one isnt that great, personally. but keep up the good job =]
I vote for GunSlinger because i love the artistic look to it, and i think it goes great with this weeks color. but it would go even better if he...
Actually cool, i really like the drop shadow too, i dontsee anything wrong with it, and i think its your best to date too, just like terrax.
hey, great job! i like the second one best
ya i have to agree, he looks like he has wings
Hello everyone. I've been thinking, there are a bunch of tutorials here and a lot of people don't get them. so sdrakulich made a thread showing...
ok, ill add, and ill change to code rather then spoiler. and also, it might take a few minutes EDIT - Okay, its all one, now you are officially...
hey, i like V2 a lot better. the border is so much better, and overall, i think it could be one of your best yet...
i think its a little too... i guess you could say bland, or tasteless lol. i think there could be more. the white is just to... much and the red a...
so yo wanna join? ill let you, so if you want ill edit post.
Hello everyone, you might see me a lot around here in the graphics section. If you haven't, I'd like to tell you my name is Zeus. Now, some of you...
lol ya i know, its mostly because the white spots are big and they also go out to a point in some spots, aking it look even worse lol but it is...
nice, and dont be to hard on yourself, you just did something a lot of people dont even know HOW to do! and i think you did a decent job if you...
sorry, i believe your post is, maybe, probably, a NECRO POST! dont necro post... and also, while im posting, id like to say smeagle, you have...
o ya, i meant to say that too, its too small, and also if the text wasnt in the way, then i would say put it on the other side, because its...
um, ya... get better renders next time, and also, make the hunter bigger then MC because, hunters are bigger the him lol. Otherwise, its great, an...