ohai! Well *** to 4gehub. The only place where you can make maps, grade other maps, and have fun. (the only place I CARE about, anyways) There's a...
Find moar puzzle maps! We need moar puzzle maps!
Im no artist.. but I was confused as soon as i saw the picture. I couldn't make out what it was until i saw the title. I think 2 things: The white...
I forget, are you planning on killzoning the top of the crane? 'Cuz me and another teammate got on it last night and we pushed them back just by...
Actually I like how it looks right now. It reminds me of Halo 1 maps, and especially of Hang Em High. Maybe you could lower/heighten the wall...
haha looks like a really cleanly forged race map. Race maps all look the same to me, but im willing to try it because of your humor in your posts....
I liked it when i played it about 2 hours ago.. i hope you fixed that last bomb plant problem. Also, I didn't once see that fence! Weird. I think...
I'm no photo shopper-- but they look f***** amazing. p.s. if you ever start doing requests.... let me know :)
I hope you've fixed the man cannons... those were a doozy. It certainly is very clean... but i found DMRs overpowered.. but oh well. Fun map for...
Lies. I actually wanted to stab you repeatedly after you kept failing me in every single way possible -_-. The map is challenging.... not the best...
dude i figured out more of frameworks. we gotta finish it sometime soon.
Looks like a good first map. You can always go to the testers guild and have your map tested for imperfections. They do a real good job at grading...
Amazing. 4 hours and you did this? Even more amazing. Would this even be remotely compatible (with some tweaking, of course) to work on invasion?...
Oh em gee! Finally a fat kid map! I imagine it cant play much different from the halo 3 versions, so im definitely downloading! I would suggest...
Yo man, im sorry. I got LIVE back last week and havent gotten around to telling. I can give you that flag cap vid if you still want it. Sorry for...
Wow man. Beautiful is an understatement for this map. Actually, it's an understatement for all the maps you've recently released. They are all...
man, you're dedication is amazing! Ill definitely be sure to let you know! That means so much that you want to work on them :D
Oh, yes. Its very nice. It combines both London and traditional American architecture in the city. Very chique. I just got xboxlive back finally....
I've just gotten LIVE back, but i've decided to put off map making for now.. so when/if I find interest in completing my maps i'll let you know....