I can say that for this being the first version of Eshkii's Pit it is pretty good, it can use a bit of constructive input and play testing from...
I can speak for Jed05 on the issue of his advertising and file sharing. He had used my Narrows Remake and graciously recorded it and added it to...
I personally experienced a lighting issue while building my Narrows remake, I found it was from a higher budget and I replaced a piece on my map...
Jed05 - that video looks awesome. I really wish I had a captured card... Also I am going to investigate all of the prior post suggestions to...
I will have to test the player traits zone only slightly in front of the man cannons to see if that will fix it. That is a great idea to test (if...
Mick Raider: I can tell you that I played on this map last night and it is very very good for scale. Practically all of my grenade angles from...
Thank you guys for the input so far. Jed: I play tested the man cannons so much and in many different ways. Unfortunately you absolutely can...
The pictures look good so far. If you can upload it to your file share please. I uploaded my Narrows Remake to my fileshare and that way you can...
Map Name: Atrocity Created By: Fame28 Original Map: Narrows (Halo 3) Download Link: 343 not showing links to downloadable content yet,...
Map Name: Atrocity Created By: Fame28 Original Map: Narrows (Halo 3) Link to FH thread: Map Preview Narrows Remake - Forge Hub Download...
Unfortunately I believe that you have to play on Team Classic or MLG settings because the variance of the man cannons would have to be changed...
Dweight: Thanks for the input, I would like to take a look at the man cannons adjustments, but the trajectory angle I had them at was the...
This map actually looks really good in the pictures. I'm going to download it and let you know my thoughts after.
I will be working on a version without any lag very soon actually. I'm so excited to see that my map made it into the top 5!!!
I wasn't online for a week because I was sewing, gluing, sawing, painting Halloween props for a kids party that we did on Saturday. Now that I...
yeah the lift damage isn't something I can really control for both variants of the game (default and MLG settings). Bungie should include a fall...
woohoo over 3,000 downloads for my Narrows already on version 3. That puts me to 16,500 total from all three versions so far.
Yeah I just realized that my original download links weren't updated correctly. They should be fixed now and here is a link for convenience......
I downloaded this map today and I must say that it is spot on. Absolutely amazing job and it is really important listen to the feedback from...
Changes have been made: The newest updates are all because of user feedback from xbox messages and forum comments. I want to say thank you to...