this should probably be considered some sort of spam seeing as how its very old and in Forging 101
you could maybe put something like a fence wall on top of the fusion coils because they block players from explosions but not items then a crate...
he's technically right but I dont think for the right reason(if that makes sense) you have to have at least one fall
I get this a lot and I'll tell you when I have a solution. I know this is a little off topic but just because its not original doesn't mean its...
same w/ me except it wasn't on high ground I can't speak for everyone in my age group but I personally dont like being stereotyped or having...
I've been thinking about doing something like this but was afraid I'd get my head bite off... guess not
wow both Gundam and this map are truly amazing and in such a short time 2 featured maps I'm very eagerly looking forward to more maps of yours
looks good. I like the concept will have to download darn now I'll have to call mine Bunker Hill v3 for the contest
This robot is so cool it can burn your eyes.....with its eyes definitely downloading this trumps Bungienator any day
Re: Rat Race - By Coyote032 and Cobra034 This looks like a well-made map and its good to see people other than me learn things from Forging 101...
Question 1= I'm pretty sure the description of instant kill says even if the player is invulnerable Question 2= Set to 1 life
this is totally awesomely helpful I always use doors because of the sinking but hadn't thought of this
Thank you will deffinitely be using this in the future
I Love You in the most non-homosexual way (PERIOD). best thing since foundry
mostly my only limit is homework which of course can be 10 seconds to 10 hrs(lol not rly but u get the idea) so when ever is fine
could you or some1 else help me sometime i had this idea of like offices on top or something but due to the object/ money limits i ran out of...
I cant downloads it but it sounds very cool and fun i would love to play it
Re: PAINTBALL! looks really awsome i like the second floor time spawn question:not to get to off topic but ive never gotten the idea of...
if this is like Donkey Kong vs Mario it is awsome if its not i have no idea wut you try to do the links dont work for me (idk if its just my...
thanks for comments bathroom fights hmmmm......if only halo had a knife