That made me think of this... [spoiler] And then this(only about the first half relates). YouTube - CNN Panel on Hitler and Obama's Health Care...
You're correct on a technicality, as any weapon can neither be good or bad since it doesn't do anything. It's how you use them that is, which why...
How do you explain the image when scientists today can't replicate its aspects?
I think everyone's problem is they only see two sides. Either it is all literal or all figurative. But, this is not the case. I believe that it is...
There are times when you would be right, but there have been people killed by the death sentence who were innocent.
You just said I was wrong, but then stated my point that there wouldn't be fossils there. Does that mean you're wrong, too? Which was my point....
Murder can never be justified. What if they were actually innocent?
Sorry these are from 10 pages back. You all wrote a lot in 18 hours. I know what religious freedom means. it's just the way he said it it sounded...
You mean the Puritans, Catholics, Quakers, Jews, Separatists, etc.? They definitely thought religion was BS! lol you may have missed this but...
oh no, people died. Death isn't that bad a thing, the person could have been going to heaven which would mean death in that case is a great thing....
Actually Hammurabi was a guy who wrote the law because he was the leader. It was a great step forward in government because it was the first(or...
You mean like your 20 lines to his 4?--5x louder [spoiler] Or if you want this thread only examples I see a 6x one right here. Not even counting...
I just asked that question. measurement or book?
Oh? and what if you're wrong as well?
In red. What a little douchebag you are when you debate. You can't go two sentences without trying the "Hey if I insult my opponents that makes...
OMG Erico shut up. No one cares about whether you can prove Julius Caesar existed, as it has nothing to do with God. All you're doing is pissing...
LOL Many of these comparisons have already been talked about it's just the Zeitgeist Movie. I'll just post this website you can check out. Here I...
What? those aren't even right. Communism: a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual...
I'm pretty sure now I'm addicted to this debating thing, but I'm just going to be a fact checker okay. You can't debate with silly facts now can...
Since there wasn't 'fail' at the end I 'm guessing that was a compliment. Either way, yes it was epic.