Although I think Prosper already wasted his time trying... you can't prove a negative. just wow...Really? He said the quote in his...
Most of the accidents are due to human mistakes not faulty design. So better training would mean that hardly anything would ever happen. And if...
How many things wrong here? Well first of all you say "1st of all" and only have one point. Second, you said "i mean more people have been...
Who cares about global warming? I don't want my kids drinking chemical waste and eating tainted meats. Clean up the planet!
lol you say there's no proof, but then you believe this bullshit about political control that you just pulled out of your ass, or copied from...
I find your extrapolation rather absurd. Here is some light reading to help you with your problem.(a little out of the original context) you,...
@nitrous, Freewill or determinism?
Actually by using the same words I was trying to make the point that both sides are pretty much on equal ground and is not really debatable.
Nothing you'd probably interested in. Personal experiences mostly, to which you would respond along the lines of "Blah blah blah opinions opinions...
look who's a tad tardy to the party. You see this thread has all but died. I'll respond because maybe just maybe you'll actually care and want to...
A) You're discussing it in normal conversation via the internet. B) Have you heard of fox news?
I'm pretty sure everyone in this thread is a troll.
I don't see it. There is this thing morality it originates at a point, being God, and comes to us, another point. Two points make a...
ok then name some things that aren't for the benefit of future generations. Yes, it is the basic logic behind all of our actions. It's called...
I just stopped paying attention there, and will not debate with you until you realize that you are as much a damn fool as any evangelical you or...
of course it is hostile. It's in opposition to you. That fulfills the definition of debating, you have to have two sides. Saying that anything in...
Umm yea it's really easy. There is only one god and that is God, looks like yours can't exist, sorry. We've been over this before so why would...
The Facts: Illegal Same sex marriage Pedophilia What you want to do: Change the law in order for same sex marriage to be legal. What is...
I was just surmising the idea presented by the other guy, if it doesn't make sense that would be A) my point and B) his problem not mine. He was...
Actually children are already giving their consent in legal matters. They have to give their consent to be adopted age 10+. Anyways for them to be...