hey cody it's keenan.
an old forgehub member. back with the guilders, wow, thats ages ago. well, i voted
there's 4 team assault?
can u like glitch a telporter under the map then geoglitch a movable object like a crate?
oh yeah, littlebigplanet. ok, my capture card is still okay.
no, im making forgehub rid of people like you.
did you try ending the game?
people can just doit independently. and i agree itll make the map makers lazy, just hope the new Map Database comes out soon.
hez tryingz to say about hiz awezome night, then he got laid. but anyway, i agree, life without live would suck. without live id have to go...
no............. i just bought a capture card!
you never stop, do you?
you are being the ass. im not swearing am i? okay, im so tempted to report you, just step off
I wouldnt choose quake, since it's the name of a game. id go with intervention.
if someone steals your map they'll probably get banned. and the way i do it is I interlock a teleporter inside a single or double box.
wow, this explains so much....for realz.....jk
i also use firefox, i love the add ons too, it's really cool.
yeah grif, that rich biotch
and you repped me back, that's another infraction called rep abuse. sense you're new to forghub, i'll let it go. just stop being an ass.
how were you testing your sig? and that was spam, you could of got an infraction, or neg repped. which would you prefer?
hell yeah. but im rich so itz kay. /end rubbing in face