Or, they could of got the Blind skull, went over there, and dropped it!
So many threads were made about this, and all the smart people here at Forgehub probably realized that those maps aren't made up to our standards....
hola my amigot
id like to play. GT KeebobBobagawa. Ill posy my stats if necessary.
hope you fixed the spawns. the ones on collision were just terrible. ill download it and come back. hope i dont get disapointed like last time...
no, you falsely said good geomerging and interlocking, which was complete bullshit.
don't listen to the haters, i absolutely love this picture, the timing is just spot on, 10/10
For the worst equipment, I'd say trip mine. Only a complete idiot wouldn't see one and walk on to it.
whyd u neg rep me for no reason?
So you're saying you like when things take more time? You don't like easy things? So if there was an easy way to take a dump, you wouldn't take...
Can no one else spam this thread and say "embed images". If you do you'll get a nice neg rep from me. So welcome to Forgehub. Please embed your...
it's not me
Next time you go bowling, copy this guy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOij1prDhmI&feature=related
i sent the video of me doing it to the gamertag NeverlessWonder. Hope that's yours. please tell me if not.
i was able to break out of Amalgam
it's been happening a lot lately. If it happens frequently enough, Bungie will probably fix it in a patch like they did with the Elite armor...
exactly. its just mine.
just practice, like campaign mode.
finally joined ****ing forgehub. good job, im a **** hole.
hi marcus