There would be no reason for it to lag since the lasers are still shooting, the blast itself is just confined by a block.
Gameplay wise, yes. Aesthetically wise... not so much. It may be able to be pulled off, by someone like Felipe Dos, but a visually pleasing map...
lol i remember the big fuss everyone was making just to figure something out and thought they would get recon for it.
It's just the messed up lighting in Halo. Like the glowing blue boxes on Foundry, or the black double boxes on Last Resort.
Touched my girlfriends ass at school, and got a demerit. Well all I can say is we both had fun.
fyi i didnt make the map, it says Relic BY ACANNIBALCORPSE. Anywhoz, watch the video, at the end it shoes us spawning right in front of the enemies.
inorite? I had all these ideas about what I'd forge on Sandbox, and the day I got it, gone. I dunno, I think it's a mental thing where I was so...
Most noob players nowadays are to used to that normal fail infection games, like fat kid, where the fun is all one-sided, on Manifest, it's very...
For SWAT if Snipers, Elites are harder to snipe from certain angles. Though playing as them gives no advantages, playing as Elites give other...
I like Halo: Combat Evolved, it was the first game of it's kind. All the memories of playing on it years ago was amazing. Halo 3 may be a better...
I don't think this map is bad, I actually think it's really good, it just says custom crappiness because that's the name of the series on my...
Just some gameplay on Relic by aCannibalCorpse
Currently playing the map, been stuck in this box as a zombie for 4 minutes now, dunno what the hells going on. Dude, you need to fix your map....
I have the maps yo, my gamertag is KeebobBobagawa
This map is awesome! You should make more Zhost maps, they are sooo fun! I like the first one better though, because of the super cool jumps, but...
ya, that picture with the marine on the warthog, i swear, it could of been a different game, srious. Good compilation btw.
that catupult picture was hilarious, hey look, its me! [IMG]
why is the cape on the second one like, how should i say, not a cape? well, the lightsaber on the second one with the actual Vader of the first...
OMG! These pictures are amazing! How did u do the Dreamy one? Can u post the answer on my profile please. kthnxbai
kinda weird, was the focus of the picture the wall? because that's what it seems like. the little dude is not a prominent figure in the picture,...