i tried it also, didn't work.
But it costs money to download on my new account.
Redownload on my old account?
Anyone got any ideas? My first account, KeebobBobagawa, can play Heroic, Legendary, and Mythic. But my new account, Hidden Keebob, can't? My new...
Oh I haven't played the Fallen, sorry if it seems like I based it off of it, but I honestly had no idea.
how is it similar to the fallen? i don't see it.
Intro: I'm making a VIP map, in which you are going to various checkpoints around the map. It will take place on the middle level of Sandbox. This...
Anyone Have a Group of People That Usually Play Custom Games? Can a mod please lock this thread
I'll get a video up soon mmkai? Me and my friends couldn't get off of our platform, and whenever we did the piece we jump on would disappear. Also...
this map is really good, this deserves a feature. purely amazing, and its a hells load of fun.
Johnson is very helpful, he supplies all those spartan lasers on the last level.
I also have this problem, I dont know how to fix it, but there's nothing wrong with your copy.
Well just test the map out yourself and see how you like it.
The gameplay on this map is horendous! It's nearly impossible to get off of your side, and none the less get to the other side! This map may have...
Gamertag: KeebobBobagawa Timezone: Hawaii Standard Time, -10 Games: Halo 3 mostly. Age: 13 Time to get on: I'm always on so I can play whenevers
OMG, This map looks really good, nice job man. Based on the pictures, it aesthetically resembles Hang Em High very well.
Man, this is preety nice. Judging from the first pic, the map looks very well-made. Can't wait to play a game on it!
So, whose getting Platinum?
No, not at all, switches don't help gameplay much. Also, switches are just irritating things in maps you have to cope with. People just use...
You should like, complain, or something. Shishka was totally being a dousche. Shishka I was just kidding please don't ban meh!