every picture looks the same, you should put more design into it
sweet xD I think it should be more exciting tho like jumps etc.
looks pretty plain to me
nice, u got my dl
looks cool, i like the sniper tower aspecially in the thirt pic
looks good but u need more pics on the inside
good idea for just sniping but needs more work =P
This doesent meet standards, looks good though welcome to forgehub btw xD
LOL i didnt know u could kill the birds xD nice idea lol
Sweet Kewl, looks nice ^^ ill dl and test out. I like ideo that teams start on top of eachother xD
kewl xD
wow thats so cool ^^ good idea 2! xD
thats insane, keep making maps xD
how did u get the open crate thing so it locks like hal way thru the ground?
i remember this, from H1 (or 2 cant remember X.X) =P
looks pretty cool, what map is it though?
looks pretty well made, still needs some work though.
needs more work. u need to sort things out more, and armorys just means alot of camping so you should spread all the weapons out.
ah, nice idea for the vision things =)
interlocking would have maid better, not much you can mae better other than that nice job