Very very good looking map and gametype. VIP is my new favorite gametype for halo now. The way you made it play like cave freaks and help's on the...
Ok so i have made a new gametype and set up a map for it and for some reason unknown to me people have begun to build more "hype" for their maps...
it says that the video was removed by you
words can simply not describe the joy that i am feeling inside at this moment. :D
why not get rid of those kill balls and make it so if you fall off you can just go up that hill and then use the money from the kill balls to...
oh ok ill just tell u when i get back onine in a few days here
oooh well then i will have to play some more halo 3 now
nice the dome change really makes it look more like the real thing. Good luck in the contest
hey i thought thaat i was getting the first episdoe :( good video this great though
though there is not as many stories on this one as ther is on the real Chichin Itza i wouls say this is the best Chicken Pizza remake in the...
i made this in 8th grade because me and my friends don't like Kobe so i would make funny pictures of him all the time in ms paint this was my...