All the firefight maps are from campaign, and most of the multplayer maps are from campaign but not all of them and more than just forgeworld I...
well people wont want to spend less time forging, infact in Halo Reach more people will probabl spend as much time as they can forging seeing as...
I would have to disagree, They said that they give unique places to forge but you are not limited to the ones they have set up. Meaning you will...
i wonder how Orange predicted it all the way back in May
holy sheezy! Thank you for the feature and for all the great comments people are giving this map! Although this feature fails to mention my...
that is why i suggested unlimited armor ability (wich is a custom game option) so you can just fly straight up
that is how conquest generally works out
it probaby would if you do it right its just going up and down instead of being a long tunnel
what about a completely vertical conquest map where you need a jet pack to get up? maybe make it look something like this: [IMG] ???? the little...
Played it, loved it. It would not be as good of a game without the filters. It really is not annoying at all in game and makes the whole gam seem...
i that video it shows all of them and there is no more below but i hope your right
i think there is to little amount of elite armor still, No councilor armor? or honor guard? oh well the ultra and zealot still look ****ing bad ass
spire = possible invasion map?
IGN Video: Halo: Reach Xbox 360 Video - The Armory Video this video shows all the elite armors around the end of it. It also reveals something...
pumpkins are noobs aswell
I haz one more to add -If you call anyone a noob while being totally serious without a hint of sarcasm in your voice.
About the sniper and OS thing, the OS spawns at 180 seconds into the game so unless no one picked up the sniper at all during that time, the two...
• If you get annoyed by people playing music, yet you do not mute them. • If you think that because you are party leader no one else can possibly...
I <3 Cowboypickle, If he is cocky then pigs fly. I absolutely loved this here map ur got ther. I especially loved Team Koth on Desert Heights...
I am confused