Thanks for testing my map but aren't you supposed to post feedback in the 5/25 feedback forum? Anyways you might be right about choppers...
You got back to back tests at 4 and 5 today just try not to be late and thanks for signing up for testing.
hey Jorgy I noticed your sig and thought youd like a thread i made called the epic fail slideshow thread. Basically a bunch of stuff like the guy...
10. How do you make a racetrack that curves and tilts in mid-air? As far as I know the start of an upward curve is done free hand slightly...
Well I gotta get some sleep so I might not get to any more questions till tomorow.
All objects have those little glowing tear drop looking things that say where they will spawn but I also set spawn points on sufaces since they...
Trial and error yes. Interlocking in the air I'm assuming you mean interlocking an object into a wall or something when the objects not on the...
Main yes skybubble no. Since there is no outside of the map the objects just fall to main. As for door substitutes I'm afraid not you'll have to...
Ah whatever I'll accept your friend request just let me know if you need anything or have a map I can check out.
Check your thread I added how to do specific height geomerging with DOORS hope it helps.
Ah I see. Well doors are a bit different since they sort of phase through objects and in a way interlock when the start mooving. Anyways if you...
8. you should use guides or count object lengths to ensure like angles on sandbox you can just use the grid however. Also if you have to be exact...
Aww I loved getting rampages on objective. Koth on pit or odd ball on gaurdian = +40 K2D Anyway the new maps look fun and now you won't get as...
Hey pel finished the now revamped and slightly renamed Contortionist. I got a 4v4 Assault and CTF game in at around 5 today the map played...
Can the person who finds all the Easter eggs get their name on the map post. Knowing Pel right now it would have to be posted in a spoiler but...
That reminds me a good use of geomerging is to slightly lower tubes in sandbox to remove the need to place in tube ramps to get in smoothly. It...
Well I didnt know you could survive form escaping by top level. I just escaped int the crypt and flew up. As for placing the wall. Geomerge a wall...
Well bluejay covered all questions. But for question number seven on how to post, this is a friendly reminder to read posting rules. Make sure you...
No problem I just offer help to those who need it. If you remember send me a link to your map when you post it I'll be sure to check it out.