Brace Large
Thanks for the writeup for Vanilla! Made me laugh lol. And I love that you used that quote of me haha. I was really hoping I could pull a feature...
I saw your comment that you are going to recommend Vanilla over at HC. Let me know how that goes!
I'm glad you all enjoyed it! Is this bs angel someone I should know? Thanks Flash! The frame rate is annoying yes. I actually edited a version...
Well I did my forge through, but couldn't round up a party to test it. I was a bit bummed that it doesn't have the original feel to it, but I'm...
I've been looking forward to this one! Impound was among my favorite H3 maps. I'm excited to see the improvements you made. Downloaded! I'll drop...
I've been waiting for this ever since you first showed me the ship and drop pods. Insta-download! You have a real good sense of how you give you...
Glad you liked it! Haha I've had lots of practice ^.^
You tree hugger.
Would you been interested in a new TGIF banner for Reach? I'm not sure if you are the guy to ask about that, but I would be happy to create a new one.
I think it would look nice with some shading and more details (specifically on the visor). Looks good though! Nice work.
I plan on using several sets of stairs in one of my upcoming competitive maps. I don't think it will cause any framerate lag unless they are in an...
You guys are gonna love this. YouTube - Halo:Reach Forge - Functional Stairs The Window, Coliseum has an invisible barrier. To create your own...
Very cool. The water fountain picture looks awesome. Subscribed! I'll probably check back here once a week.
Most people underestimate a single plasma rifle! Works just as well for me as a shotgun really. Its quite the handy tool for close quarters....
Just saw your Reach new letter. Thanks for including Vanilla!
Whoa whoa whoa. Don't listen to those guys. There are a few ways to get more light in your map. If you place a glass window over a lighting...
If you wish to reduce the frame rate lag, download the optional version in which I removed the white lighting in the middle. Its decreases the lag...
"(like *ahem*... Vanilla...)" ...just read that post. Thought it was hilarious! Haha I'm also quite flattered. Glad you like my map! Thanks for...
You can download a version of Vanilla without that white light in the middle. It reduces the frame-rate lag by about 50% (There isn't much to...