Lovin' those stairs! The map looks great and the golfball idea is pretty nifty. Send me an inv if you get a testing session going
Submitted to Bungie Blog for approval
I loved the video! (Even though you didn't use that awesome clip of me blasting down a falcon with the wraith...) Speaking of wraith, did you...
That PS'd pic in the "Post your Picture" thread was hilarious....
I'm glad you like my artwork! Thanks! If you ever start a band, I'll be waiting =P I'm almost done with a colored pencil of megan fox. I'll be...
I hadn't even heard of this until now, but it looks like a blast! I'm gonna download it (but I'm changing the name to just Blawkin lol). Congrats...
Very cool! I'm excited to try it out. Thanks for the tutorial. It was very helpful.
Yerp, that won't work in customs fella. Rifte and otherdude are right. Fun idea though
Finally got a game in! It was well worth the wait. It did have the original **** zombies feel to it, more so than other NZ remakes I have...
Is the grid set to normal perhaps? Does your xbox freeze up so badly that you must turn it off to fix things? This seems rather suspicious...
I haven't even seen anyone wearing this helmet yet. Its one of my favorites though
Thanks Noxiw! I owe you one! I'll keep my eyes on the front page
I loved the video you did for Vanilla. Thanks for choosing my map!
Thanks man! I'm not too sure which category I will enter it into yet. I plan on putting it through a bunch more testing before I submit it to nail...
Your description won my download before I even saw the pictures, and that is a very rare occurrence! Once I round up a party to try this out, I...
I flipped one of the switches during that level but never found out what happened
What a lovely hat he has! Gunnergrunt for testing
Haha yep I am able to enter the contest and I plan to do so. I actually came up with a version of Vanilla that has no frame rate lag. That may be...
Hey Noxiw. You are pretty good at getting the forgehub features on the Bungie Blog. Wanna do me a favor and get Vanilla's feature up there? I'd...
Thank you very much for the feature! I'm glad everyone has enjoyed the map as much as I have.