Thanks for getting that FH Feature writeup on the Bungie Blog! Vanilla thanks you.
I'd be happy to try! Just send me the pictures and tell me how you want 'em!
I disagree!
Thanks man. Just practicing.
Uniball Pens please
that was so cooool!! haha very well done and rather catchy. I am impressed!
Okay I'm skipping all the comments and posting. One of the reasons I loved Lockout so much in H2 was for its simple textures. Just a bunch of blue...
Haha in multi team? Sorry bro! I love my jetpack! =P
Good news! I was finally able to completely eliminate the framerate lag on Vanilla. I will be entering that version in the Forgetacular and I may...
I do! But I can't remember the name of it right now dangit. You could ask Lightsout. I think i told him once.
I'd like to test again. I didn't like the spawns on the first one and got lost all over the place. It also needed a few more weapons. Hopefully...
How exciting, its finally posted! You put a ton of work into this map, and it really paid off. I don't know many forgers who would go back into...
It will still work if the wall is curving inward (when does that even happen? =P). The invisible ledge gives you plenty of room to work with. But...
I have created a weapon holder to solve the "fixed weapon glitch" This weapon is set to normal physics [IMG] [IMG] This plasma...
Yep, new banner is needed! Perhaps, during each TGIF, everyone could throw together a fun little screenshot like that which says TGIF and the best...
This map rocks, ForgeHub. Join this guy's testing sessions! I know I will.
Thank you very much for your review in my Vanilla thread! I really appreciate that kind of feedback from someone who has obviously given the map...
Gameplay + Aesthetics > Gamplay > Aesthetics! Haha the terrain in the gulch is just a bit too hilly for my taste. I think you did good to wall of...
Where did you come up with the name? Cause I live like an hour away from Walnut Canyon, Arizona... And it sure doesn't look like this! Haha no it...