I'll take that last reserve spot por favor. Finally got some time off on a tuesday night. I have two as well.
I might or might not be interested in this. . .
I just "finished" my submission last night. On to testing! I am somewhat excited. :D
Would it be possible to modify the gametype to allow ordinance drops, but ONLY for powerups and AA's? Or even just powerups?
True Story: I started on a 2v2 map today, I think I might submit it.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-forge-discussion/143025-wedge.html Just let me know if you'd like to use it. I've got some film of an older...
Fraid not sorry. I had a spot lined up in a lobby but the host lagged out and some squeakers hijacked it to play slender. wooo. :/ It's still on...
Anime is ok I guess, Forge Hub is also cool. Welcome.
I played a 3v3 on this earlier today, and I really liked it. Narrows is one of my favorites, and you've done it justice. I really liked how you...
I cant speak to how it plays, but this LOOKS really good. You've given me a couple ideas just flying around in Forge. I especially like your use...
looks fantastic, even if it might be kind of small. I bet this would be great for 1v1 and 2v2 games. I understand space limits, but I also feel...
you can also place the piece, set it physics to "fixed", let go of it, then highlight it without grabbing it and set physics back to normal. It...
Wow. The things you learn about people. Thank you Fenix for serving our country, your sacrifice allows thousands to live a normal life here in...
While Nutduster pretty much hit the nail on the head, there are always exceptions to the rule. My current project (no I won't promote it) is...
Yeah that might be your only option., as awful as that sounds. I had a problem with spawn points doing that. I was pretty close to budget on that...
K cool, I've downloaded the latest version, I'll try to get a few games on it tonight.
Have you had a chance to work on spawning yet? That's the only thing that's really holding this map back IMO. Otherwise it's fantastic. PS:...
I just wanna say that I think it's pretty badass that you're doing this for us. Keep up teh good works mang.
Fantastic work, you're like, some kind of customs community rock star.
Duck, this is a fantastic map. Extremely well designed, great fun on any gametype. Extraction is where it really shines though. The round I played...