I love the map, but if you ask me the Geezer would rather have the starting sword than the golf club. Change the starting weapon to a Gravity Hammer?
How do I know which map tests will be reviewable? I've gone to many games that have turned out to be informal, and now I think I'll get booted for...
I downloaded this only because of the good reviews, but now I think this is a great map and idea. I really like how most of the rooms require...
This map looks very, very well made and thought out. I didn't have any trouble deciding whether or not to download this. It looks tough for a last...
Question about Testers Guild. This week I have applied to participate in multiple tests and they haven't happened, and I tested maps and they...
While this is very well made and creative, the gameplay itself is limited. People can be killed by other players taking powerups/camo and the...
Are there any other effective methods offighting other than using Banshees and Hornets? I don't see the point of having the ships if it's mainly...
Looks well made minus a bump here or there, looks like it would work well for custom games and it has a very appealing design. Fix the occasional...
I didn't understand your directions/explanation, but I imagine this is a map where you try to knock enemies off the map, right? This idea has...
So are the zombies invincible? And how do humans get points? This map looks VERY entertaining to play with friends and I'll definitely play this...
Cool, you have my dl.
A great idea for this map would be to have VIPs, such as Skywalker and Vader, that are much more durable and light-footed than other soldiers. You...
Great map! One question, are there any major changes with your gametype from regular cops games?
Should I make more threads similar to this? For other gametypes?
definitely one of their best.
I wanted to have a free-for-all map where all players start off in one room and then spread out to different spots throughtout the map. They will...
Favorite Rise Against song? Mine is Prayer of the Refugee, Tip the Scales or Savior.
If it was scaled down it would crack my top 10.
..based on how fun it is to play 4vs4 Team Slayer on them. Mine - 1. Narrows 2. Standoff 3. The Pit 4. High Ground 5. Valhalla 6. Blackout 7....
I thought you were going to show a pic of the album cover for the band Disturbed.. because that's what I did.