its actually 12 Senders, 12 Recievers, 12 TwoWays... so 36 total... and no i am not kidding you -dont get angry, its a video, its not perfect......
badass!!!! a bit slow when loading the pics or non responsive, but still awsome
nice. i have a hard time swallowing the uncertain fact that reach'es teles wont have a set direction of exit out of a teleporter... dont know if...
not trying to be mr. obvious fancy pants here, but i found that simply duplicating the image makes it much briughter and easier to see when larger
[IMG] "The Cove" Jacob Palimo'o 9/29/2010 To help stop the inhumane capture & slaughter of dolphins/whales : 1. Text DOLPHIN to 44144 2....
yeah dude, i think you beat me at the sig... you did yours before mines... tell me to change if you dont like it
is there a picture of this helmet? if so can you post it in this update or does it break the no spoiler rule?
Isnt this from starwars battle front? pretty good, haven't really thought of maps from other games. location of maps? the sky, above ocean?
I think it is multi-theat armor, not multi thread
its a fob version.... if they did this it might be a typo.... so it would be like matchmake instead of matchmaking
pyro6666 asked me to link this thread to the halo reach discussion thread...
Sure would. I will also organize it and what not later, for now just alphabetical order for lazyness, but when reach comes out Ill do the...
Yes indeed. These were all from the halo reach beta stats. note these are all beta weapons and what not so dont rely on it for being the origianl...
Here it is... use it for whatevers... *note* not the complete list.... just what i could find. To use in forum: Right click an image and select...
1. Going to make a map based on the pit (Halo 3) with similar structres and spawn areas... just amped up and scaled for reach gameplay. (not a...
hey man... you wrestle? I wrestle too for my school
Yes... mongoose action!!! Definately looking foward to this bad boy
Great post. Overlook and Powerhouse looks kinda the same, but still cant wait!!!
If the rocket hog was not modded, just spawned... then it seems way too over powering for it being as maneuverable as it is with unlimited rocket ammo