I know now, before i thought MLG maps had to have armor abilities. Oh how young and naive i was. Thanks for the comments, 5 months ago lol. Water...
thanks for all the positive feedback. I just played this the other night and i forgot how fun it was. Barely squeezing by 4 rockets heading strait...
thanks, i had a little budget left over so i thought id spice it up a bit!
Im going to miss the rocket launcher platform in V2, but i guess it must be done!
I know, im excited to see what everyone else has done with half budget and so far im impressed. Its a cool idea for a competition, i hope FH...
@12qwazx the kill ball is just cover, there's a kill boundary placed in the middle so there's no way inside. @Sugar thank you, a quarter of my...
more spam, berb's a *****. kids on this website are way too anal, especially the one's who refer to themselves in the third person. I checked out...
alright, picture's are up. I also added a weapon list and their respond/ clip size
double-dipped 2.0 double-dipped 2.0 by Zombified Panda [IMG] double-dipped version 2.0 is a few aesthetics i wasn't able to put in 1.9...
double-dipped Version 1.9 by Zombified Panda [IMG] Update: [spoiler] Please play 2v2 with the provided game type Download map:...
you might want to tone this down a bit, remember this is MLG, and everything should look boring as ****! Looks fun, download in 3..2..1
@ TOMisHIGH Thank you, my goal aesthetically is to make something unique enough to make forger's look twice. @ FriedFoodStuffz I go by a set of...
@ Noble V1 Thank you, it took me awhile to aesthetically perfect this map without frame rate issues. @ PbPePPer72 Falcons vs ghost. Its in the...
Look at me mom, i'm in the video, lol! Good job timmy, i showed this map to my friend after we play tested it, i didn't tell him what it was and...
lol love it, i like the time you spent on each room and caption. I was on the edge of my seat reading this! I made a dead space theme map too,...
pyro6666 is right, or you can turn off weapon pickup in the gametype
Eroded by Zombified Panda [IMG] Some believe the facility is haunted because of the mysterious island it was built next to, stairway's...
@ hollow123 Thank you, im glad you like it! @ iTz Kneecap eH I didn't even think of that level on halo 3 until you brought it up, but i defiantly...
Nuclear Power Plant by Zombified Panda by cookiebubba by timmypanic [IMG] Falcons are flying around deleting tiles. Jump in your ghost and...
awesome town indeed! Clean and nice los! whats in the second picture? Looks like a flying mascot with a giant head