this is amazing 5/5
tag team, i honestly never played. when i was a kid i had a ps2 and id play that game all the time, and i never had a memory card so everytime i...
13 years ago, those graphics looks a little too good to be 13 years ago?
this is identical to a infection game i played with one of my friends called mexican bull, but still looks like you put some thought into it. 4/5
my friend DL'd it. it was super fun 5/5
Mine's shane does work, I really dont have any idea where I got it from, it just popped up, and im not a wangster or anything, so no snide remarks.
I dont think that guitar hero series should focus on one band for each game, they should put the 5 greatest hits from each band on the setlist, so...
Does anyone on this forum still play any tekken. Back then that game was awsome, and it still is!
iv got none, if i do ill let you know tho,
looks like a great idea and this will bring better more planned out maps :D
this looks like any other skatepark on here and forums, put some more into it. 2/5
I like it how you make the power weapon and the oversheild spawn later so noobs dont rush for it, great thinking, looks like a good map, 5/5
this is great, but doesent it take a few days to trasnfer?
great song.
iv never try'd this series, is it like, tekken? and is it worth it?
you seriously need to get overyourself its just a game.
first picture looks a little crooked but either then that seems pretty well made. 4/5
What your not getting, is that its supposed to be hard, and your supposed to fall of the edge, its not just a rinky dinky , o look at me i...
I love the interlocking, very clean 4/5
this looks pretty well made, I enjoy all the new brilliant ideas people have made of on foundry, either then the pointless race maps everyone has....