I've only had one 1v1 game on this so far, so although I can't comment too deeply on gameplay I definitely enjoyed the design. I enjoy the forging...
Yeah the delayed sender node was cool. Very elegant solution and it shows that you actually thought 'hang on people will just immediately flank...
Yeah we had a 1v1 and I'd like to add that the spawning wasn't even bad in the sense that we would spawn in front of each other (that only...
Man I had completely forgotten about that map until you just mentioned it^ I rarely played Halo 2 online and I never got the DLC. Must have played...
i dont think my parents have any idea how social gaming actually is. i think they just see me staring at spacemen shooting each other and worry...
Ha ha, weirdly enough I think the fact that nobody seems to know where the grenade launcher or sniper rifle are probably contributes to the fact...
voted mirage, then i read this thread and now im worried i voted too mainstream or something Edited by merge: Actually I want to become a forge...
in other news abyss is coming along great. added a new grav lift up to the custom powerup balcony so hopefully that will aid flow and SHUT UP DAD
apparently my dad is concerned that i play too much halo or something. he came in when i was forging before and was like 'so are you playing with...
*Crowd begins a slow clap* *the idiot crown is lowered upon your head* Serious talk I'm super psyched that you finally posted this. Everyone...
Hey man, don't even know if you still check this thread but I wanted to say that Precipice is, completely honest here, my favorite map in Reach...
Yeah, this. 1v1s are awesome for me just because of some of the outrageous escapes you can pull and the satisfying feeling when you outmaneuver...
I want a beer hat helmet, that's all really.
Well someone is busy! Purification was a little smaller than I like my maps, but everyone I've showed it to loved the water channel you made...
I dunno about the same style. They're all very 'clean' if that makes sense, lots of neat horizontals and verticals without any messy stuff. They...
The way I look at it, every decent map is a contrast between open/closed areas and high/low areas. That's a very simplistic way of phrasing it,...
Yeah basically what Knight of Order said. This section is for finished maps really, so if you're still at the stage of needing feedback and...
The Divide and Premise are my favorite maps for 2v2s at the moment, no **** but I squealed like a baby pig when I saw you guys were collaborating...
Ok, yeah I did like the way you could see the camo from one side of the map, but had to cross the whole thing to pick it up. And having the...