I would just like to point out that god created us with free will, and wants all to turn to Christianity. I believe he is torn whenever a Islamic...
Well then, you might want to edit your opening post!
Umm..you said in your opening post that you did attend for a short while so you could have a Bar Mitzvah. C'mon now don't lie!
That happened to me once, open up a new tab and click the sign-in button. It should re link your account.
I know but you're my example. Ohhh... my bad you hadn't posted on that thread (I'm only human). Referring to line 3 of your previous post, so you...
What I am saying is because they don't worship the devil they say they're Christian. What I'm saying is whenever there was that "I hate american...
First off most people claim to be Christian because they don't worship the devil or have a turban on their head. Also we actually have a good...
The topic is easy, do you think we should give our hard-earned tax money to companies that could not float on their own? I'm against it...I mean I...
Umm...you know were not the only people that like to forge right? I would say 80% of the community would care about forge info. We're just the...
K, it's been an hour join our party when you can...
then get online were waiting in the lobby!!
I sent most of you FR, and zDallasCowBoys can no longer help. I'll be available for about four more hours. So join my party when you can.
O.K. I am as well it's U.S. Central -6 BTW...You never posted you're GT is it about to be 11 where you are?
Yay! My brother and I needed someone who could help us. Do you know all the steps? If you don't go youtube it. Anyway my GT is RampaginFetus and...
It's suspect 3, and this totally rocks next time make a harder one, one with like 1 guy with 2 shots of his br missing, and another guy with like...
O.K. I will make the comment to end all comments on this thread. I own the 1st and 2nd Age of Empires game and their expansion packs. They're are...
Hehe love the rhymes. These have been done before but not quite like this. I'll get back with you after i beat it.
Multi CTF on The Pit is my favorite.
spiral staircase=epic win. I love how many maps you've been putting out there as well +rep and friend request for that alone.
He shouldn't have a face silly, that would make us question his ability to survive free falls without a parachute. It would make us feel like he's...