Well, after reading through some of this, I'd like to say the bible never says "the Earth was made in 4000 B.C. It also never says how much time...
I'll help test GT=RampaginFetus. And I think assassinate games can sometimes get old, are the non-terrorists faster? Could you think you could...
Ummm, you can't make copyrights to style of map. Plus, I Am Legend V3 had this, and Omega Journey had something similar. So, if anything it's them...
"Is that even legal?"
"C'mon BR, join the conga line!"
Good point, I really never noticed that seeing I live in a small town in Texas.
Well, we don't bail out small companies ya know. But hey, what do I know? Here in Texas we're not even experiencing a recession.
Happy birthday!
Good luck mate on getting gridlocked accepted by Atlas..well, I'm supposing that's what you're doing.
Happy Birthday!
What exactly did you disprove of what I just said?
This is from the old testament. He wrote these kind of things to hold the community together and give them the ability to attend church. New...
I would say Facebook because it has a much more clean look. Also most "add-ons" for Myspace are viruses due to the poor coding Myspace has.
If it has, give me some links. It is relative to my life, and I enjoy seeking advice from his word. God is all powerful, it doesn't have to be...
Right off the bat I want to say, stop talking in; "You're stupid cus I rite!" format. We have proof that God is alive and well! He changes lives!...
Why thank you =) Keep it up, we've almost cracked them! Oh, g2g work on some homework see ya later.
So you say we Theists are weird because we believe in something that can't be proven? Well, atheists do also! They do not know god doesn't exist...
Yes, I believe god did do that!
It is not that they don't do anything. It is the people that are praying lack faith in him to actually help them! Here read this: A Prophet...
Umm... I said that's what I believe. It takes a spot of faith sometimes to be a Christian ya know.