For those angled jumps you will need two different angles. In the first one you get your height and the second one gives you your flip. It doesn't...
I think he means ForgeHub vs. Ghosts of Onyx amirite? Nvm I'm wrong.
.....You can't give rep anymore crazy lady! Oh and you might want to put something on the ricochet of certain weapons. Such as spikers and sniper...
I have a lot of tidbits for your guide. I tested your brute shot conclusions and have some info. No, it can't kill warthogs in 1 round of dead-on...
The centerpiece is unique and you should definitely keep. You have a mini armory going on in the back which should be deleted and walled off. I...
I'm 13, I take that offensively.... Just kidding, but yes that sums up a lot of the 13 year olds but is still stereotyping in my opinion. Because...
Try restarting your XBox
It should definitely be allowed, imagine their slow deaths they would experience if they die in the wilderness. Bullets kill in normally 30...
Yea thanks, an adjective with a noun at the end is always great.
We had 46 kids turn out to our tryouts, and yea I'm definitely going to keep playing, been playing since I was 4...
Hello I'm RampaginFetus. I joined...2 months ago? Anyways never made one of these and felt like I should. My name is Austin and I live in Texas,...
I put the guide in my signature, you should too, in the middle below your maps. Also what's your gamertag I'd love to play sometime. Mines...
It does, lemme go dig up an old article from Bungie. This article. And here a direct quote NovaK ya might want to put that in for legitness.
Ehh, I think that on is destroyed by the bright yellow helmet, which takes away from the overall view.
Put in the first one, it's the only one in which I like the lighting.
Proof we're not stupid- A Florida State student, a Kansas State student, and an Aggie had all committed horrendous crimes and were...
Well, there's only like two golfing maps but if it makes you happy I guess you go girl.
Wow, I have a gut feeling you're calling me stupid. Well, you misspelled usually and tend to simply bombard people in a series of words you find...
*Phew* What a long read. I liked it though, you did not finish the grav hammer one though.... Anyway I commend you on writing up such a long guide...
If God needs a creator, then who made God's creator? I think it's more logical for one Supreme Being to exist rather than 1 out of 1 million...