Alas, positive does not necessarily mean good, nor does negative necessarily mean evil. A theme I've been playing with is exposing to the Positive...
When will we be getting more foliage pieces in forge, for example the tree's from both Raid on Apex 7 and the Battle of Noctus? Can you script...
Detailing a Fictional Multiverse A few of you may be aware that in 'real life' I am actually trying to write a fictional book series, and it...
If one were to forge a map but never get a lobby on it, did one really forge said map???????
We can bring it to their attention. We know they'll be listening thanks to forge...
the 15th
Odds are we'll be getting a decent amount of information with the next community update, most prominently and exact release date. They have kept a...
That would be awesome if 343 would pick up legacy as an 'official' GT, but I doubt they will considering they've made it quite clear that they're...
Would love to see it adapted in H5
I remember this map! Had a lot of fun on it.
I think Halo 2 was the first game to really establish the basic HALO engine. Everything from the movement to the way weapons worked changed after...
theres a golden retriever helping with machinimakers aww
Recurve is unplayable to me. I hate the map. Whenever it comes up, I close Halo, restart it, and then search for another map again. Not only did...
I've really enjoyed Guillotine and Deadlock, and my time on Basin hasn't been too bad either, however when playing Strongholds, it suffers the...
So BTB tomorrow? (Half Life 3 confirmed?)
Godly's got a point^ I've seen more impossible things occur
Am I the only one getting a Mirrors Edge vibe from this?
still a better love story than tesla
A remake of SandBox as a whole would be fantastic. Why not bring the crypt back as well? The only reason I did not suggest this however is the...
Didn't mean for it to be misleading. Honestly didn't put much thought into the thread title besides the fact that it was my idea for a 4th canvas...