Curious as to how it will work, I'll see if I can get around to looking at it for you mate.
Hangon mate I need to clear this up. Let me get this strait. You paid for LE so that you can obtain 8 Specializations instead of 2 (Which would...
Leviathan looks really fun and Zanzibar was made well considering what objects you're given to work with. I think I played boarding action in a...
Pre-ordered. Played pretty much every day for a few weeks after release day. Currently Level 62. No E-Mail :( Anyone know why this hasn't worked...
Well I do agree. There are ways though. Theres a master list of GT's of people that are all likely to join, and play a custom game. Theres also...
Bookmarked. Personally ALOT of these could come in handy for me. On the other hand, I'm worried if this is considered modding, and if its against...
I don't think he means protection from bullets. More like a quick 1 second magnet burst that can repel players and grenades.
Sounds like it could very well be worked on. Providing they got the recharge time right, and I don't think a continuous repel would work. Maybe a...
I Assume these have all been tested? We had a pretty solid Duck Hunt map. When our 'Ducks' reached the end and tele-ported behind the Hunter we...
In all honesty you wouldn't even need 'good' Spartans... S-Ops is very very easy even on Legendary, considering dying doesn't take you back at...
Now this info may not be 100%, I'm using nothing but memory here but bare with me. Well I had a play around with the settings... I wasn't aware...
That link leads to a Halo 4 Custom Game thread. He said this was for Reach and Halo 3. Though I believe threads for those exist also.
Anybody here had a long wait for their threads to be authorised, or had a similar problem? I've tried getting a thread for my map up, I really...
Sweet well as for camping, finding a spot to do that won't be easy on my map... But that's why it's here, so I can hear back about any flaws. I've...
I'm all up for staying active, I'm still waiting for my thread to be approved. Can't wait to see what you guys think of my map. If it's not...
Hi guys, I'm new to the Reach forging scene. Made a few maps on Halo 3 but can't say they were anything special. Had a playaround in Halo Reach...
Skyline Survival Created by TurtleSpoon Map Description So before I say anything. I should give credit to 'GoronFighter', as it was his...