Just throwing my opinion out there. The map looks pretty damn good, and I'd like to try it. But whoever's hatin', that's fine bro but keep it to...
Hey guys. In a sentence: I'm looking for Halo 4 players. More specifically I'm looking for players that almost exclusively play Halo 4. Now out...
Ohhh right. Makes sense. It'd be pretty similar to Episphere. Without the sphere. And VII, Next time you make a map, or update this one, give me...
I can't help but disagree. Sorry. Impact is overused and the lighting sucks (If you can even get it working). Grids are incredibly useful. Using...
I know right I would've LOVED to see a turtle formation going. We had a test yesterday but it still needs work. I can't force people to work...
When would that be? Theres a UK lobby starting in like 4 hours, I've got nothing to do until then. Staring at the H4 Main Menu until somebody...
Thanks, It's being tested in a customs lobby tonight so it should be up by tommorrow. I wanted to do something like this in Reach but without...
Completely off topic, You on Halo? On-topic, I like the gravity hammer idea, we should try that. Beam Rifles are too accurate though. I get...
I found a way around the trait zone priority problem you were talking about. I'll explain it next time I'm online.
Gonna watch Tangled soon, my girlfriend said she liked it, I thought it would be standard but when I heard my friends and people here liked it too...
Shield Break Valley Based on the film '300'. I know, what an original name. Here is the TL;DR description of the map. A more detailed set of...
Fair enough. Well I'm not gonna sit here and defend Disney any more than I have already. It's only Disney, and as far as animation goes it's one...
It's not like any of the game characters were part of the story. The actual villain for the story, (A made up one, not an already existing...
Err did anyone else have the update today? What did it have? Checking 343 now. Edit: Couldn't find anything.
Tried it. Worked first time. Thanks alot this is awesome and definitely legal, you're using xbox functions to remove the save. The rest is all...
Hobbit Reviews said it would be too long? Really? The first film was just under 3 hours in length I believe, and when it finished I was literally...
Still haven't seen Tangled but my girlfriend keeps saying I should. No I understand that, I just didn't want to promote a film that doesn't fit...
Meh they used alot of the main references in the trailer. There are loads more you just gotta look for them, The second half of the film focus's...
Yo if you get this any time soon. fancy helping me test?
It's useful on the ground (Which is besides the point, I know). But if you're lucky, or skilled enough to get a thruster-sword kill on another...