looks clean but not that exciting.
looks sick very cool map havent seen a lot on the legendary maps but this looks cool.
Looks cool nice interlocking
Very nice looks like an interesting gameplay
Very nice qued up
this looks sick nice job interlocking must of taken awhile
looks cool but kinda random but looks like games will be interesting
looks cool nice job.
Yeah I can see the simalarities to my map valley but not completly the same but this looks like a cool map but looks like there could be some...
Yeah its is a little crmaped but ther are plenty of cover opportunities not completly shown and the reason there is little in the actual valley is...
nice map great interlocking
Um jw what fix ups were you thinking of becuase I have basically everything as smooth as it gets.
Looks cool but it als seems like there is alot of just random barriers.
looks good
i dont really understand the map that much
looks pretty cool
Yeah the spawns are a little cramped but thats y its made for team games cuz they are set for attackers and defenders also there is cover at the...
Hey i'm coming out with a better version of this map soon
Very nice map looks sick.
Looks pretty sweet qued up.