nice post good interlocking and layout
ok well i see that you put time into this but may i suggest embedding your pics so that ppl dont have to click on the link to view them if you...
yeah i think i need to delete the last set of fusion coils
awsome Ive tried som many times to make something like this but this beats them all nice work
nice map good layout bases look a little sloppy but otherwise nice job and btw your last pic isnt working the one about the turret cant get me
Yeah I know the cover seems bad but thats what the single and double boxes coming down are for they provide a lot of cover across the map and...
Yeah the rockets are set to 2 not three and the mongoose only spawns for the CTF
ahh much better nice work kinda looks a little sloppy but since its in the air ill give you a break nice map
Hey thanks yeah i also prefer the non mlg version but like i said my friend thought i should make an MLG version and just add it to the same forum.
Yeah interlocking isnt required but i makes that map a lot cleaner anyways nice map layout and idea is good nice forging
Hello welcome to forgehub your post is not up to standards and soon you will get bugged about it by the moderators your post must have at least...
Please this is just a heads up saying stuff like that can get you in some trouble so try not to bump your maps just a heads up.
Looks nice the v2 looks a lot smoother kinda messy but overall nice work.
Like the idea its kinda basic porly not a competative map maybe more casual but nice idea
Nice map nicely interlocked i like how the flooors are made up of different objects but its not messy
Nice work nice interlocking some of the stuff in the middle looks like it could use some more cover but nice job otherwise.
Looks cool I like the house thing everything is put together verynicely nice job.
nice map I like the layout an detail you put into it i payed off
yeah definatly need some interlocking but nice layout and yet again another mlg map but this isnt too bad nice work looking forward to a v2
this map is good I havent seen much on rats nest so for that 5/5